Emily (Mon thru Thu); Asha (Mon, Wed thru Fri 6:30-9pm ET & Sat 11am-2pm); Geoff (Thu & Fri)
  • Skype and FaceTime lessons available and will be the default until further notice.
  • On a request basis: Williamsburg, NY; The New SchoolBrooklyn Music School; Wilmington, DE
Please email [email protected] to schedule.


Effective August 10, 2021

1. FEES — total monthly lesson fees are paid at the first lesson of each month with Venmo (@Emily-Tepe), cash, or check. Checks are to be made out to IVA Voice and Music LLC. No lessons are given on credit and no postdated checks are accepted. Any returned checks must be reimbursed with added fees. If you have more than two checks returned, you will be put on a cash only basis. Please discuss any extenuating circumstances with me.

2. LESSON SCHEDULING – Lesson scheduling is handled directly with Tiffany Fung by text or Whatsapp (646-801-3864) or by email at [email protected].

3. CANCELLATIONS — If a lesson is missed without a minimum of 48 hours notice, you will be expected to pay for that lesson before receiving any other lessons. Please notify Emily and/or Tiffany as early as possible if you will have to miss a lesson. In case of sudden illness of a student or parent, please let us know first thing in the morning before going to work or school, or you will be expected to pay for that day’s lesson.

4. TEACHER ILLNESS – If teachers are ill and need to cancel lessons, we will find a time to make up the missed lesson with you. If we cannot find a suitable time, we will refund the lesson.

5. SNOW POLICY – If there is snow and you are not able to come to your lesson or do not feel comfortable driving, I will be happy to make up the lesson or do the lesson over Skype/FaceTime during your lesson time; however, I will not be able to refund the lesson.

6. PROMPTNESS — If you are late, you should still expect the lesson to end on time. If I am running late, I will try to give you your full lesson time. Please allow for some time flexibility.

7. PROCEDURE — When you arrive at the studio for your lesson, please come into the house and wait until the previous student’s lesson is over.

8. MATERIALS — Come to lessons with a voice recorder and sheet music in a book or a three ring binder, or loaded onto an iPad.