Train your mind, train your voice: part two

Train your mind, train your voice: part two

What is the gateway to beautiful singing? You may think it’s vocal training, but for many, technique alone isn’t enough to sing at one’s best. There is a great deal of psychology that goes into singing well. Fear based thinking can lock the voice into the body, so we...

Mixed-Belt technique: The Missing Link!

I’ve gotten a lot of feedback on my Facebook video post about the mixed-belt technique so I want to continue the conversation so more people can understand better what I’m sharing. Over the past couple years I’ve been surprised at the number of students...
Mixed-belt vs Classical technique? Or both together!

Mixed-belt vs Classical technique? Or both together!

Last week one of my students and I were discussing in what direction he should take his training. He has worked on the West End in London and has been admitted to one of the top musical theatre programs in New York. He’d had some advice, however, that he should...